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2 PhD Projects at University of Twente

Μαρ 02, 2020 20:30

In collaboration with Dimence Group and Minddistrict the University of Twente is looking for two highly motivated PhD candidates to help set the next step in compassionate design of technology.

University of Twente is seeking candidates for two fully-funded 4 year PhD projects on two strongly related projects as part of the NWO program ‘Transitions and Behavior’.

2 Research Fellows in Bioinformatics at Queen's University Belfast

Μαρ 02, 2020 19:34

Queen's University Belfast is recruiting for two Research Fellows in Bioinformatics to join the Gene Regulation Group led by Dr. Vijay Tiwari in the WWIEM. The successful candidates will be ambitious and collaborative and contribute to internationally competitive research on the epigenomics of cell-fate specification during development and disease. The group employs high-throughput epigenomics assays such as Single Cell genomics, ChIP-seq and RNA-seq in defined models of development and disease.

PhDs for Safety and Security in Industry Research Lab at TU Wien

Μαρ 02, 2020 19:27

Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) need suitable networked architectures that take into account and combine safety (operation of the system must not pose any danger) and security (protection against unauthorized manipulation). As part of the newly founded "TÜV AUSTRIA Safety and Security in Industry Research Lab" (SafeSecLab), several related research questions are addressed within the framework of dissertation projects (3 years funding) at TU Wien.


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