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Traineeships in the ESRB of European Central Bank

Φεβ 23, 2020 16:43

You will be part of the Secretariat of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), a body of the European Union.

Traineeships in Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability at European Central Bank

Φεβ 23, 2020 16:29

You will be part of the Directorate General Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability. Our Directorate General has approximately 100 staff members providing analyses and policy advice on issues relating to financial stability, financial regulation and macroprudential policy. In particular, we identify and measure systemic risks, and assess the impact of regulations and macroprudential measures. We work on policy strategy and coordination, stress testing and the challenges facing the banking and non-banking sectors.

PhD Traineeships in Monetary Policy at European Central Bank

Φεβ 23, 2020 16:20

You will be part of the Directorate General Monetary Policy. The Directorate General analyses the ECB’s monetary policy strategy and stance and monitors monetary and financial developments. It also contributes to decision-making and external communications (e.g. through economic research papers, speeches and official ECB publications). You will be a trainee in either the Monetary Analysis Division or the Capital Markets and Financial Structure Division.

2020 ECB Graduate Programme

Φεβ 23, 2020 16:16

European Central Bank is looking for up to 12 highly talented recent graduates with a postgraduate degree, preferably a PhD, for the ECB’s Graduate Programme.

You will have different ages, backgrounds and interests and will find intellectual challenges, varied opportunities and a people-centred working culture that gives you a voice and the chance to make an impact – for Europe.

Further details:
2020 ECB Graduate Programme


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