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Two PhD candidates in Sociology and Media Studies at University of Amsterdam

Φεβ 18, 2020 23:27

University of Amsterdam is seeking two PhD candidates for the project 'The platformization of the global sex industry: Markets, morals, and mass intimacy', which is funded by the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) and led by Prof. Olav Velthuis (Department of Sociology) and Dr Thomas Poell (Department of Media Studies). With their low entry barriers, their live and interactive character, webcam platforms are among the sex industry’s fastest growing segments.

Summer Internship Program of the Center for Genomic Regulation

Φεβ 18, 2020 15:06

The Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) launches the 8th Summer Internship Program to provide undergraduate and master students the opportunity to conduct summer research at the CRG. The goal of the programme is to encourage students, from any nationality, in the pursuit of a scientific career and to introduce them to an international laboratory experience. A maximum of 8 internship positions will be awarded in 2020 .

Mendel Summer School 2020 in Czech Republic

Φεβ 18, 2020 14:52

The Mendel Summer School will take place at Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic in July 2020 (28. 6. - 27.7.).

It is said a study experience in Brno is a must. The students can take part in the unique cultural program and visit other countries apart from the Czech Republic such as Hungary, Austria and Slovakia. The Summer School focuses on the Theory of Political Science, Economy, International Relations, Sociology and Environmental Studies.


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