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Nottingham Doctoral Training Centre In Artificial Intelligence

Φεβ 14, 2020 08:36

Applications are invited from Home/EU students only for a number of fully-funded PhD studentships in the first cohort of the Nottingham Doctoral Training Centre in Artificial Intelligence, based within the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, starting in autumn 2020.

Doctoral students in Topology, Geometry and Reinforcement learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Φεβ 14, 2020 08:32

Third-cycle subject: Computer Science

1) Topology and Geometry in Machine Learning
Developing the theoretical underpinnings of machine learning algorithms is crucial for making learning robust, data-efficient, and explainable. Understanding and exploiting geometric and topological properties of data is one of the challenges associated to this topic.

Doctoral students in distributed hybrid control systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Φεβ 14, 2020 08:29

The Division of Decision and Control Systems at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of KTH conducts research in networked control systems, robotics, control of communication systems, systems biology and system identification. Much of the research is conducted within EU projects. The group has also strong financial support from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and the Swedish Research Council.

Training Course: "All you need is LEARN" in Germany

Φεβ 14, 2020 08:15

Training Course: "All you need is LEARN"
11-16 May 2020 | Oldenburg, Germany


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