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CeMM International Postdoc Program in Cellular, Molecular and Digital Medicine

Φεβ 07, 2020 09:26

The postdoc program is based at the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, one of Europe’s leading centers for basic biomedical research – with clinical translation in mind. Selected candidates will join one of CeMM’s research groups for 3 to 6 years, addressing ambitious research questions in areas such as cancer, immunology, chemical biology, epigenetics, metabolism, and genomic medicine. Research projects will focus on medically relevant problems, including disease mechanisms, modern therapeutics and diagnostic strategies.

2 PDEng candidates for project: Design of a digital platform and a digital information chain for modular and industrial renovation projects at University of Twente

Φεβ 07, 2020 09:22

To achieve the environmental and climate objectives, every building in the Netherlands should be heated from sustainable sources by 2050. At the moment, less than a thousand buildings are made energy-neutral or positive every year. In order to realise the 2050 targets, we need to accelerate the renovation of existing buildings to a thousand houses each day.

3 Postdoctoral Scientists in the BMBF programme "Role Of the Middle atmosphere In Climate” at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Φεβ 07, 2020 09:18

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is a multidisciplinary center for climate and Earth system research located in Hamburg, Germany. MPI-M will contributes to the BMBF programme "Role Of the Middle atmosphere In Climate” (ROMIC-II).

For phase II of this programme we have open positions for three

Postdoctoral Scientists (W072)

Two PhD projects on Smart, Connected and Safe Cycling in the Netherlands

Φεβ 07, 2020 09:13

The University of Twente is collaborating with Accell Group to make cycling smarter and safer. Accell group is a large European bicycle manufacturer and produces and distributes bicycles through several brands, including the electric-bike pioneer-brands Haibike and Sparta. The research collaboration aims to explore, develop and test a connected bicycle ecosystem combining the capabilities of sensing, wireless technology and data science to make bicycle use more safe, reliable, and comfortable.


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