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8 PhD positions in Packaging and Integration of Power Electronics at University of Twente

Ιαν 23, 2020 21:09

University of Twente is looking for motivated and skilled PhD researchers to work on a team project to develop a new heterogeneous fabrication process, suitable for power electronics, and to build compelling demonstrator prototypes.

PDEng Τrainee Positions (TOIO) in Software Technology Eindhoven University of Technology

Ιαν 23, 2020 21:04

The post-master program on Software Technology is an educational program that focuses on the software design and system architecture for the software-intensive systems that are typical for the various application domains of the high-tech, multinational industry around Eindhoven. It trains M.Sc. graduates from Computer Science or a related discipline to become the professional software designers and architects whom the industry needs to conceive its new, innovative products and who can participate in or provide technological leadership for the multidisciplinary teams that realize these.

2 Post Doctoral Positions in Integrated approaches to regional energy transition at University of Twente

Ιαν 23, 2020 20:40

University of Twente invites applications for two postdoc positions in the NWO-funded project “Regional Energy Transition as Systematic Integration” (RETSI). In this project, we closely collaborate with regional and local partners to identify and exploit synergies between the energy transition and other societal challenges.

Partnership-building Activity: "Queerasmus+" in Ireland

Ιαν 23, 2020 15:13

Partnership-building Activity: "Queerasmus+"
29 April - 1 May 2020 | Dublin, Ireland

The contact making seminar is a space to learn about the realities of practices and challenges, and in response develop supports to increase the participation of the LGBTI+ community in Erasmus+ through partnership building.


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