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PDEng Programme at University of Twente with ASPARi

Δεκ 25, 2019 19:42

The PDEng is a 2-year post-Master Degree technological designers programme. This programme at the University of Twente contains an educational part and a design project. For the project, You will work with ASPARi network companies. The educational programme will have an in-depth character with ample attention for professional development and will be partly tailored to the design project. Together with external organisation, you will develop a high-level and creative solution for the given problem.

15 Postdoc Positions at the Social Science Group of Wageningen University & Research

Δεκ 25, 2019 19:11

Social Science Group of Wageningen University & Research is looking for 15 candidates for different postdoc positions in the three themes: Circular Food Systems, Health and Digitalisation.

The aim of the Social Science Group of Wageningen University and Research is to understand social processes with regard to today's global challenges of disparities and poverty, of responsible production and consumption, of natural resource use and the environment, as well as of knowledge in society.

PhD Positions in Environmental Engineering at Cornell University in USA

Δεκ 25, 2019 12:09

The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University is seeking to recruit 1-2 Ph.D. students to work on projects related to materials chemistry for sustainable energy and resource recovery. The work will incorporate elements of material synthesis, chemical and morphological characterization, and development of novel gas-solid and gas-liquid-solid reactor systems.

Further details:
PhD Positions in Environmental Engineering at Cornell University in USA


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