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2 Postdoc Positions Kant and/or Kantian Ethics at University of Groningen

Δεκ 21, 2019 23:28

The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, offers two postdoctoral fellowships within the research program, ‘Universal Moral Laws: A New Approach to Kant and Kantian Ethics,’ funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and directed by Pauline Kleingeld.

Further details:
2 Postdoc Positions Kant and/or Kantian Ethics at University of Groningen

PDEng trainee at program 'Smart Buildings & Cities' of the Eindhoven University of Technology

Δεκ 21, 2019 23:24

Eindhoven University of Technology is looking for candidates with a strong interest in the built environment and an MSc degree in Civil or Building Engineering, Building Science, Mechanical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, or equivalent. Affinity with the design of steel and/or concrete bridge and viaduct structures for strength, stability and fatigue in relation to sustainability and circularity (Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costing) is essential.

PDEng trainee Advanced sensing of structural behaviour at Eindhoven University of Technology

Δεκ 21, 2019 23:20

Eindhoven University of Technology is looking for candidates with a strong interest in the built environment and an MSc degree in Civil or Building Engineering, Building Science, Mechanical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, or equivalent.

Further details:
PDEng trainee Advanced sensing of structural behaviour at Eindhoven University of Technology

PDEng trainee Topology optimization of 3D printed concrete bridges at Eindhoven University of Technology

Δεκ 21, 2019 23:16

Eindhoven University of Technology is looking for candidates with a strong interest in the built environment and an MSc degree in Civil or Building Engineering, Building Science, Mechanical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, or equivalent. Affinity with digital design methods (e.g. parametric modelling, topology optimization) and digital manufacturing processes (e.g. 3D concrete printing, additive manufacturing) for applications in the built environment is essential.


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