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Erasmus Traineeship at the Center for International Relations of BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Austria

Δεκ 20, 2019 10:03

The Center for International Relations of BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Austria has a traineeship through Erasmus+.

Further details in the attached file.

Doctoral programme in Business, Economics and Finance

Δεκ 20, 2019 09:55

Aalto University School of Business invites applications for enrolment in the Doctoral Program in Business, Economics and Finance.

Application period: November 5, 2019 – January 23, 2020

Aalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future. Aalto University has six schools with nearly 11,000 students and nearly 400 professors. Our campuses are located in Espoo and Helsinki, Finland.

Postdocs / PhD Candidates in Population-based MRI Analysis

Δεκ 19, 2019 23:12

The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is a unique non-university research center which is dedicated to the subject dementia and all its areas, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. The center compasses the full spectrum of fundamental research through population sciences to health care research. The DZNE stands for excellence in research and science management, translation of scientific results into practice, interdisciplinarity and internationalization. It is a research center within the Helmholtz Organization of German research centers.

1 - 4 Doctoral Candidate Or Project Researcher at University of Turku

Δεκ 19, 2019 23:09

The Centre for Learning Analytics is a research team in the Department of Future Technologies at University of Turku focused on developing learning technologies and doing research on learning and learning analytics at all stages of education in Finland as well as internationally. There are approximately 20 researchers and teachers currently in the research team.

There are 1 – 4 doctoral candidate or project researcher posts available in the research team.


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