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Postdoc or Research Fellow Positions in Machine Learning & Artificial In

Δεκ 19, 2019 09:50

The newly launched Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI ( is looking for postdoctoral researchers and research fellows interested in tackling challenges in machine learning and in creating artificial intelligence that is data-efficient, trustworthy, and understandable.

Further details:
Postdoc or Research Fellow Positions in Machine Learning & Artificial In

Training Course: "Step into Strategic Partnerships on Inclusion within Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION" in Germany

Δεκ 19, 2019 09:39

Training Course: "Step into Strategic Partnerships on Inclusion within Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION"
1-7 March 2020 | Berlin, Germany

Strategic Partnership projects provide opportunities for sustainable international cooperation and innovation in the youth field within Erasmus+: Youth in Action. These projects have a lot of potential for the development of innovative ideas and concepts of wider relevance for the youth field in Europe. For that, Strategic Partnerships also offer a huge potential when it comes to the topic of inclusion.

Training Course: "Youth Exchanges for Civic Engagement" in Germany

Δεκ 19, 2019 09:30

Training Course: "Youth Exchanges for Civic Engagement"
11-15 May 2020 | Bonn, Germany

The idea of the training course is owed to the current situation in Europe and the need to promote awareness of democracy, participation and critical thinking about political and social issues as well as to enable youth to play an active role in political life.

12-14/03/2020 - Europe talks about Solidarity (Austria)

Δεκ 19, 2019 09:25

Conference – Symposium - Forum: Europe talks about Solidarity
12-14 March 2020 | Vienna, Austria

This conference will be the first one from a seria of events, hosted in different countries. Is a two-day event, starting on 12th of March 2020 until 14th of March 2020.


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