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8 PhD positions at Institut Curie in France

Δεκ 06, 2019 20:32

Institut Curie is recruiting 8 PhD students through its new international program called EuReCa (Europe, Resarch & Care).

This program, part funded by the European Commission’s MSCA COFUND scheme, provides PhD students with a 3-year doctoral contract, a high level interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial, as well as international training and coaching sessions with personalized career development plans, secondments and mentoring.

‍PhD research projects in life sciences cover Institut Curie’s main research domains:

Three PhD stipends on computer vision and AI applied in camera surveillance at Aalborg University

Δεκ 06, 2019 20:28

At the Visual Analysis of People (VAP) lab, at Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, there are three PhD positions to work on computer vision and AI topics related to camera surveillance. The positions are expected to be focused on one of the topics mentioned below, but related topics could also be of interest. The ideal candidates have a master degree with a focus on computer vision, AI or both. Experience with cameras surveillance in general or one of the specific topics mentioned below is appreciated.

PhD student at the Lausanne University Hospital

Δεκ 06, 2019 16:07

The Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) is one of five Swiss university hospitals. Through its collaboration with the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne and the EPFL, CHUV plays a leading role in the areas of medical care, medical research and training.
The PhD position is funded by the Swiss authorities in conjunction with participation in COST Action CA16112 NutRedOx:

Exploration Science Summer Intern Program

Δεκ 06, 2019 16:01

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is hosting a special summer intern program to involve students in activities that support missionw to the Moon that utilize the Orion crew vehicle, the Deep Space Gateway, the robotic assets on the lunar surface.

The LPI invites application forms graduate students in geology, planetary science and related programs.

Further details:
Exploration Science Summer Intern Program


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