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Postdoc and PhD positions in materials, chemistry and energy research at the University of St Andrews

Νοε 11, 2019 11:22

The University of St Andrews is seeking four materials chemists, preferably with experience in battery technologies, as part of a project funded through the Faraday Institution ( on next generation sodium-ion batteries. The positions are available immediately and run until March 2021 in the first instance (with a possible extension to 4 years). The four posts are as follows:

2 Postdoctoral Researchers at Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library in Germany

Νοε 11, 2019 11:17

The Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology – Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) – Program Area C, Research and Development, is looking to employ two Postdoctoral Researchers to work in the Scientific Data Management Group led by Prof. (Univ. Simón Bolívar) Dr. Maria-Esther Vidal at the earliest possible date.

The positions are initially limited to 2 years with envisioned extension. The regular weekly working time is 39.8 hours (full-time). The positions are generally suitable for part-time work.

2 Postdoctoral Researchers in structural and biophysical studies of the complement system at Utrecht University

Νοε 11, 2019 11:12

The Gros lab at the Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University is currently seeking two post-doctoral researchers for an ERC funded project on biophysical and structural aspects of the human complement system. The Gros lab studies biomolecular recognition and regulation processes in the area of infection and immunity. The lab has an internationally strong reputation in uncovering the molecular mechanisms that underpin the complement system.

PDEng Data Analytics of Maintenance Contracts at Universiity of Twente

Νοε 11, 2019 11:07

The PDEng is a 2-year post Master Degree technological designers programme. This programme contains an educational part and a project. For the project, you work at Rijkswaterstaat responsible for managing the Dutch highway network. The educational programme will have an in-depth character with ample attention for professional development and is partly tailored to the design project. Together with Rijkswaterstaat, you will develop a high-level and creative solution for the given problem.

The challenge


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