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Ph.D. and Postdoc Positions at Hasso Plattner Institute

Οκτ 28, 2019 12:25

Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) is Germany’s center of excellence for digital engineering ( The Digital Engineering Faculty, founded jointly by the University of Potsdam and HPI, offers a highly practical and engineering-oriented computer science study program, which is unique throughout Germany. HPI’s university research earns international recognition, with the main focus of its teaching and research on the foundations and applications of large, highly complex and networked IT systems.

Research positions at BioSense Institute

Οκτ 28, 2019 11:27

BioSense Institute cross-fertilizes two vital sectors of today: ICT and agriculture. Recognizing that ICT plays a pivotal role in ensuring sustainable, smart and inclusive growth of agriculture, we focus on multidisciplinary, game-changing and needs-driven research in nano and microelectronics, new materials, communications, signal processing, remote sensing, biosystems, artificial intelligence, IoT and big data, driven by our desire to make a significant impact to the society in which we live in.

University of Bayreuth Junior and Senior Fellowship Programme 2020

Οκτ 28, 2019 11:15

The University of Bayreuth Centre of International Excellence “Alexander von Humboldt” promotes excellent research at the University of Bayreuth (UBT) and advances the inter­nationalisation of research and networking with the best universities worldwide.

The Centre is offering fellowships for the year 2020 – open to all disciplines.

Further details:
University of Bayreuth Junior and Senior Fellowship Programme 2020

Doctoral Candidates in Traffic control with Connected and Automated vehicles at Aalto University

Οκτ 28, 2019 11:11

The Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering research group is seeking a highly motivated and creative doctoral candidate who would undertake research in the area of Road Traffic Control, with special emphasis on Connected and Automated vehicles (CAVs). The doctoral candidate will join a multidisciplinary research project and conduct research on developing novel traffic estimation and control strategies, accounting for the implications of CAVs on traffic flow.


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