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Training Course: "Non Violent Theatre" in France

Μάιος 28, 2019 10:39

Training Course: "Non Violent Theatre"
26 July - 9 August 2019 | Homade, Brivezac, France

Nomadways would like to invite 24 youth workers to explore the method of the non-violent theatre and communication together in France.

Training Course: "Non Violent Theatre" in France

Study Visit: "Social inclusion in European Cities true Youth Work" in France

Μάιος 28, 2019 10:36

Study Visit: "Social inclusion in European Cities true Youth Work"
2-6 July 2019 | Paris, France

Participants are coming from municipalities across Europe to share practice on youth work approaches related to social inclusion. There will be structured visits to different examples in Paris, and a chance to reflect and share in an international group. The aim is to support participants to improve social inclusion in their own European cities through youth work.

The Study visit is set up to allow interaction, learning, sharing, questions, and space for reflection.

Seminar: "Sports Activator" in Romania

Μάιος 28, 2019 10:32

Seminar: "Sports Activator"
1-7 July 2019 | Târgu Frumos, Iaşi, Romania

Sports Activator seminar aims to build a transnational network in the field of sport in order to create a toolbox with methods, instruments, good practices to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth.

Further details:
Seminar: "Sports Activator" in Romania


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