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Summer University on "Integrated Management, Sustainable Tourism, and Promotion of Biosphere Reserves" in Bulgaria

Απρ 21, 2019 18:24

The Summer University seeks to provide high-quality training to postgraduate students, young scientists, and practitioners from Biosphere Reserves from Europe and the Mediterranean on “Integrated management, sustainable tourism, and promotion of biosphere reserves”.

DREAM Summer School in Italy

Απρ 21, 2019 18:13

DREAM Summer School focuses on:

- The potential improvement of AM in real manufacturing conditions in terms of productivity, quality and reliability, also using a LCA approach;
- The competitiveness at all steps of the AM supply chain to bring it to a significant step further towards larger industrial scale.

PARTIAL-PGMs Summer School in Italy

Απρ 21, 2019 18:09

Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), in particular Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), are key components in heterogeneous and electrochemical catalysis and are currently used in a variety of industrial applications, including chemical synthesis and energy conversion as well as in automotive emissions control systems.

The PARTIAL-PGMs Summer School focuses on the process of creation and production of novel automotive Catalysts, from materials modelling to the industrial scale-up.

22/05/2019 - Gender Equality Policies in Research Institutions: Promoting transformative and sustainable changes (Brussels, Belgium)

Απρ 21, 2019 14:29

The EQUAL-IST project will present its project results and tools, and gender experts, representatives of the European Commission and academia will discuss about gender equality in research, with a focus on ICT/IST.

The Conference is also an opportunity for participants to share experience and insights among relevant projects, and share success stories from across the EU, paving the way to enhance a gender equality agenda within national and European research and higher education policies.


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


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