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Two PhD students – on the future of work and design of future factories

Νοε 16, 2020 17:54

Chalmers is looking for two PhD candidates who want to explore the potential of Industry 4.0

Industry is facing great challenges, like effects of COVID-19, impact of automation, climate threat, and global market competition. We must create a solid base and resilience towards future crises, utilizing digitalisation and enabling technologies for the future of industrial work. Chalmers is a leading university in this area.

7 Doctoral Researcher Positions in Research Training Group - psychology, sociology, or political science

Νοε 16, 2020 16:51

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications for 7 doctoral researcher positions in its new Research Training Group (RTG) 2513 “Social Dynamics of the Self” (SELF), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). BIGSSS is an international inter-university graduate school in the social sciences, located at the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. Successful applicants will receive a work contract for 36 months, based on salary scale E13 TV-L/TVöD (65%), at Jacobs University or the University of Bremen.

PhD Positions in Biology, Computer Science, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics at IST Austria

Νοε 16, 2020 14:28

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) is looking for highly qualified candidates with bachelor’s or master’s degrees to apply for the IST Austria PhD program. We offer fully-funded PhD positions in biology, neuroscience, mathematics, computer science, physics, and data science, in a world-class research environment on the outskirts of Vienna.

10 Ph.D Positions In Computer Science For An Industrial Research School On Collaborative AI & Robotics

Νοε 13, 2020 22:01

Örebro University is offering up to 10 positions for the Industrial Research School Collaborative AI and Robotics - CoAIRob..


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