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26-28/07/2018 - 15th International Conference on e-Business (Πορτογαλία)

Δεκ 13, 2017 09:11

The International Conference on e-Business, ICE-B 2018, aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are interested in e-Business technology and its current applications. The scope of the conference covers low-level technological issues, such as technology platforms, internet of things and web services, but also higher-level issues, such as business processes, business intelligence, value setting and business strategy.

15th International Conference on e-Business ICE-B
July 26 - 28, 2018 Porto, Portugal

23-29/03/2018 - Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα | SMS 3 “Show My Skills” (Αίγυπτος)

Δεκ 13, 2017 08:48

As Abraham Lincoln once said “The best way to predict your future is to create it”. Our future is in the hands of the youth, that are in this moment preparing themselves to be the architects of the world.

There are many programs and projects that help youngsters develop their skills, and broaden their horizons, and sometimes the focus is put more on the quantity than quality. The journey from a small idea to the final implementation of youth activities is not easy and requires knowledge and skills in both project management and its leadership.

Θέσεις εργασίας Μηχανικών στην Ελλάδα & στο Εξωτερικό

Δεκ 13, 2017 00:26

Σύμβουλοι Διαχείρισης Έργων με ειδίκευση στη διαχείριση συμβάσεων, διαχείριση απαιτήσεων και επίλυση διαφορών ζητά μηχανικούς ΑΕΙ για συνεργασία. Απαραίτητα η καλή γνώση Αγγλικών και χρήση H/Y. Τηλ. 211 0125031, Fax 211 0125031, Email:

Master & PhD Fellowships, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2018)

Δεκ 12, 2017 12:42

The Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGBCM/UFRGS) invites qualified prospective students to apply for doctoral and master fellowships, as well as graduate research and teaching assistantships. The fellowship includes a scholarship of R$26,400/year for doctoral (for four years) and R$18.000/year for master (for two years), without tuition fees.


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

Συγγραφή Βιογραφικού
Σύνταξη Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

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