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Call for postdoctoral fellows in Molecular Medicine

Απρ 30, 2024 17:59

NORPOD is the new the collaborative postdoctoral program of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. The partnership is a network of four national research centers across the Nordics and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), with complementary research expertise at the forefront of molecular medicine research. With the NORPOD program, the Nordic EMBL Partnership aims to foster the next generation of researchers in molecular medicine by expanding their expert knowledge, skills and research excellence.

Two Postdoctoral Positions in Machine Learning with NLP and Computer Vision

Απρ 30, 2024 17:51

The research focus will be primarily on two directions (or their intersections):
grounded language modeling: exploiting knowledge embedded in language and language models to help solve decision-making applications and produce generalizable and interpretable models for these tasks
learning and emergent communication: developing general technology to create learning agents which can communicate with humans, explain their predictions and decision strategies, and also learn from human feedback.

ISTA-Fellow: Postdoctoral Program

Απρ 26, 2024 10:38

The ISTA-Fellow program at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) offers fully funded (two-year) postdoctoral fellowships for highly qualified candidates who have completed or will soon complete their PhD or equivalent in the natural or computer sciences, mathematics or any related discipline.


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