Το νέο προσωπικό θα απασχοληθεί σε 14 χώρες του κόσμου. Οι ειδικότητες που ζητούνται αφορούν ειδικούς υγείας, εκπαιδευτικούς, επικεφαλής ασφάλειας και επικοινωνιολόγους.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες παρακαλώ διαβάστε στο επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο.
Brookes Alumni Fund and Oxford Brookes International are inviting applications for John Henry Brookes Scholarships for September 2015 Entry. Numbers of scholarships are available for across a range of subject areas for UK, EU and international students wishing to undertake full-time taught postgraduate master’s degrees.
University of Sunderland is inviting applications for Science and Technology Scholarship for the year 2015/16. This scholarship is available for new full-time ‘home’ and EU undergraduate students joining the University of Sunderland in 2015.
Colt Foundation is awarding research fellowships for carrying out research within the area of occupational and environmental health at a UK university. The Fellowship is normally for three years and the research is expected to lead to a PhD degree. The stipend rate for the first year is £14,000 (£16,000 inside London), rising with UK inflation for the following two years. Payments will include UK/EU fees and overseas candidates applying would be expected to meet the difference in UK/EU and International rates.
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