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24-28/05/2017 - All 4 Inclusion - Training Course (Σλοβακία)

Απρ 24, 2017 09:31

This TC focuses on encouraging and empowering youth workers, social workers to start inclusive projects with mixed ability groups through Erasmus+ projects. Our aim is to make the E+ more inclusive, accessible for young people with fewer opportunities.

5 PhD Fellowships, Dublin City University, Ireland (2017)

Απρ 24, 2017 09:15

Global India (ETN,H2020), is a multi-sectoral doctoral training programme focused on India’s emergence as a global and regional power, and its relationship with the EU. The Network brings together six leading European universities, with six leading Indian universities, and six non-university partners. It will recruit 15 PhD fellows across the network. Fellows will spend a semester in an Indian University and have a work placement in one of the non-university partners. The network is led by Dublin City University, who will host five Fellows.

3 PhD Scholarships in Campus Fryslân: Culture, Language & Technology, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands (2017)

Απρ 24, 2017 09:12

We offer three four-year scholarships to complete a PhD in Culture, Language & Technology. Applications are invited from prospective PhD students with a good fit with the research specialisms and expertise of our academic staff. The PhD students will be enrolled in our Graduate School Campus Fryslân (GSCF), and may collaborate with senior researchers at the Fryske Akademy and the Department of Frisian Language and Culture.

12-14/06/2017 - Workshop: Preparing for a Doctoral Project (Γερμανία)

Απρ 24, 2017 09:10

You want to pursue a doctoral project about Eastern and Southeastern Europe in history, cultural studies or social sciences, but you do not have a final dissertation proposal yet? The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (Munich and Regensburg, Germany) invites applications from graduates from non-German universities for the workshop “Preparing for a doctoral project”, which will take place in Munich from June 12-14, 2017. Up to six graduate students will work with researchers of the Graduate School on drafting potential dissertation projects.


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