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26-31/05/2017 - Entrepreneurial Skills Development Training (Τουρκία)

Απρ 13, 2017 18:40

READY2START? : Non-formal Learning as a Tool to Support Entrepreneurial Skills Development Training, Training Course, 26-31 May 2017 | İstanbul, Turkey

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report has predicted the skills that will be needed in a future workplace. The skills be needed in 2020: 1. Complex Problem Solving, 2. Critical Thinking, 3. Creativity, 4. People Management, 5. Coordinating with Others, 6. Emotional Intelligence, 7. Judgement and Decision Making, 8. Service Orientation, 9. Negotiation, 10. Cognitive Flexibility

21-23/06/2017 - Short and Snappy - EVS Partnership (Νορβηγία)

Απρ 13, 2017 18:16

The seminar will focus on teambuilding, practical information on EVS and how to get started, guide to the application form and information on youthpass. The seminar is intended for ”newbies” of EVS and will focus on creating good partnership and new projects.

When: Wednesday 21- Friday 23 June 2017
Where: Gardermoen (Oslo airport), Norway. All meals and activities will be taking place in the hotel.
Who: 25 Representatives of NGOs, public institutions or other potential host/sending organisations

04-08/06/2017 - IT tools in non-formal education (Πολωνία)

Απρ 13, 2017 18:10

Youngsters deal more and more with technology, internet and mobile devices. Most often they watch videos, listen to music and have full time access with their friends. They see themselves mostly as consumers of digital media but not so much as creators of digital material, even though thousands of pictures are put on Instagram and short movies are shared every day.

10/05/2017 - Προθεσμία υποβολής περιλήψεων για το 1st ISCLSS (FYROM)

Απρ 13, 2017 17:54

The 1st International Scientific Conference on Law and Social Sciences (ICLSS’17): Judicial Reforms and Anti-Corruption Practices: Challenges, Prospects and Transfer of Experiences, aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and graduate students to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Judicial Reforms, Anti-corruption practices and measures, Comparative approaches on legal reforms, Effects of corruption on public institutions, and related topics.


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