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18 Postdoctoral Fellowships, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy (2017)

Απρ 13, 2017 02:12

GSSI offers 18 positions for research activity in the fields of interest of the Institute (Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Social Sciences). There is no age limit for applicants; however they must have earned their doctoral degree not earlier than the date specified in the call for applications. Candidates who are preparing their doctoral thesis are eligible to apply; however, they must have obtained their Ph.D degree before taking up their appointment with GSSI.

15 PhD Positions, European INTRICARE Programme. Europe (2017)

Απρ 13, 2017 02:08

Would you like to research a PhD on microcalcifications in vulnerable plaque formation and translation of novel insights into meaningful clinical interventions for this multi-faceted disease? Would you like to increase our current knowledge on vulnerable plaque formation and will boost European innovation in delivering cost-effective solutions to reduce the pressing burden of AMI on the elderly population? Would you like to start your career in a European training network of leading research universities and professionals from the industry and consulting sector?

Master & PhD Scholarships, Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China, China (2017)

Απρ 13, 2017 02:05

MOFCOM Scholarship is set up by Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China to further strengthen the communication and cooperation between China and other countries as well as to develop talents for developing countries. Starting from 2015, MOFCOM Scholarship mainly sponsors the young and the middle-aged talents from recipient countries to pursue their postgraduate degree education in China and entrusts China Scholarship Council to administer the Scholarship. MOFCOM Scholarship supports Master’s program for 2-3 years or PhD program for 3-4 years.


3 PhD Positions, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (2017)

Απρ 13, 2017 02:02

Three positions are available in the “OpaqueFlows” project, funded by an ERC Consolidator grant. This project unveils dense two-phase flows. These flows consist of a fluid containing suspended particles or droplets; examples include blood, milk, and slurries. While these flows are abundant in nature and industry, they are currently poorly understood and difficult to model. This is due to the fact that these flows are opaque, and current optical measurement techniques cannot see through them; very little experimental data is therefore available.


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