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Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα

Study Visit: " The role of youth work in addressing the risks of radicalization" in Belgium

Μάιος 17, 2019 13:42

Study Visit: " The role of youth work in addressing the risks of radicalization"
14-19 October 2019 | Brussels, Belgium - FR

Training Course:" Youth Work In Culturally Mixed Areas"

Μάιος 17, 2019 13:38

Training Course:" Youth Work In Culturally Mixed Areas"
15-22 July 2019 | Tetovo, Republic of North Macedonia

The training will increase the competencies of youth workers about Intercultural communication and cooperation, and bring various teaching methods and pedagogical approaches for transferring that knowledge into their local youth realities.

Further details:
Training Course:" Youth Work In Culturally Mixed Areas"

Training Course: Beyond Fear - Tools for Dialogue and Inclusion of Migrants in Europe" in Hungary

Μάιος 17, 2019 13:34

Training Course: Beyond Fear - Tools for Dialogue and Inclusion of Migrants in Europe"
5-16 September 2019 | Hungary

"Beyond Fear - Tools for Dialogue and Inclusion of Migrants in Europe" is a 10-day training course in Hungary for 28 youth and social workers working with refugees from 10 countries.

A training course and exchange of methods on how to promote constructive dialogue between migrant and local communities, and help the process of inclusion, may it be temporary or long-term.

Training Course: "UBUNTU - International training on personal and social values" in Czech Republic

Μάιος 17, 2019 13:31

Training Course: "UBUNTU - International training on personal and social values"
16-22 June 2019 | Drmoul, Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic

UBUNTU project promotes personal and social values in order to empower healthy humanity.

Ubuntu is an ancient code of ethics, referring to the ‘humaneness’ of the human spirit. It’s about goodwill, generosity, dignity, reconciliation, a feeling of responsibility for each other’s well-being, and solving problems together. It’s a way of life that has held families and communities together for centuries.


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