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PhD Scholarships in Economics & Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands (2017)

Φεβ 02, 2017 09:37

The aim of SOM’s PhD programme is to deliver highly qualified researchers. For this purpose, SOM offers PhD scholarships to excellent candidates who recently graduated. The programme for this type of scholarships covers four years (or three for students with a research master background) and leads to a PhD degree. These four years are spent on courses, writing research papers for the PhD thesis and on participation in international conferences, workshops and a career perspectives curriculum.

Postdoctoral Fellowships, United Nations University, Japan (2017)

Φεβ 02, 2017 09:25

The UNU Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and UNU Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) are now accepting applications for the JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowships to the following research projects/programmes:

- Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Assessment (UNU-IAS)
- Governance for Sustainable Development (UNU-IAS)
- Education for Sustainable Development (UNU-IAS)
- Low Carbon Technology (UNU-IAS)
- The Changing Nature of Armed Conflict (UNU Centre for Policy Research)

Anna Lindh Foundation Internship Opportunity

Φεβ 01, 2017 20:55

The Anna Lindh Foundation announces the launch of the Internship Programme for 2017. This programme aims at fostering interdisciplinary knowledge as well as practical know-how building, targeting talented youth willing to gain practical experience in a field relevant to the Anna Lindh Foundation activities through their full involvement in the Foundation daily work. Through the Internship Programme, ALF benefits from the input of young enthusiastic, motivated graduates, who can give a fresh and up-to-date academic knowledge.

Deadline Application: 04-02-2017


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