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7-25/09/2016 - Training Course:"Growth and Inspiration through Volunteering and Empowerment" (Latvia)

Ιουλ 13, 2016 09:43

The training course "GIVE-Growth and Inspiration through Volunteering and Empowerment" addresses the need of promoting and supporting volunteer movement.

28-30/07/2016 - Civitas Forum Conference 2016 (Poland)

Ιουλ 13, 2016 09:34

It is a great pleasure to invite the CIVITAS community to the CIVITAS FORUM Conference 2016 on 28-30 September in Gdynia, with the theme: "SHAPING THE MOBILITY OF TOMORROW".

14 PhD Positions, SCAVENGE, Spain (2016-2017)

Ιουλ 13, 2016 09:11

The host organisation appoints each eligible researcher under an employment contract. The duration of the contract is 36 months. The ESR is covered under the social security scheme, which is applied to employed workers within the country of the host organization, or under a social security scheme providing at least sickness and maternity benefits in kind, invalidity and accidents at work and occupational diseases, and covering the researcher in every place of implementation of the project activities. Basic gross salary amount is €3,110 per month.

15/07/2016 - The 27th International Youth Forum (Republic of Korea)

Ιουλ 13, 2016 08:48

The National Council of Youth Organizations in Korea (NCYOK) is the coordinating body of youth organizations across Korea under the auspices of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Korea (MOGEF). The NCYOK have been organizing the International Youth Forum since 1990, inviting 100 youth delegates from over 30 countries across the world every year. This year the theme for the Youth Forum will be World Health and Youth.


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