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30/09-02/10/2016 - World Youth Forum: “Right to Dialogue 2016” (Italy)

Ιουν 23, 2016 09:08

The Forum 2016 focuses on the topic “Work/labor”, considered from different points of view: in the economic perspective, as a function of the productive processes; in the cultural perspective, as a function of a specific way to conceive such processes; finally as human labor: the worker beyond the work.

06-13/09/2016 - Training Course: "Spinning a Yarn" (Ireland)

Ιουν 22, 2016 09:27

Spinning a Yarn is a trainiing course for those working and/or volunteering in Global Education who wish to learn how to use the principles of storytelling to effectively communicate with their target groups and wider audiences.

The course is focused on developing and improving competences related to how to use storytelling in the specific context of global education. The course is aimed at people working in the field of global education (trainers, activists, advocates, communications).

31/07-08/08/2016 - "From new challenges to innovative contributions: using online tools to promote exchange and understanding training course" (Netherlands)

Ιουν 22, 2016 09:12

Jongeren voor Uitwisseling en Begrip (JUB) is looking for participants for a training course called “From new challenges to innovative contributions: using online tools to promote exchange and understanding”. The main goal is to empower youth workers with essential competences to promote exchange and understanding, using online methods.

25/07-03/08/2016 - "See Beyond" - training and coaching entrepreneurship skills in youth organisations (Hungary)

Ιουν 22, 2016 08:53

"See Beyond" is a 10-day-long training course. It is suitable for people who are willing to act towards their goals, and dreams.

The program is designed for youth workers, NGO leaders, trainers, young group leaders, young entrepreneurs, youngsters who are about to start their business.


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