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13-17/06/2016 - Workshop: Towards Reality in Modelling of Molecular Electronics (San Sebastian, Spain)

Απρ 21, 2016 09:26

The EU-funded PAMS project is co-organising an international workshop entitled ‘Towards Reality in Modelling of Molecular Electronics’ that will take place in San Sebastian, Spain, from 13 to 17 June 2016.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experienced and young researchers, as well as students, working in the field of the theory of quantum transport and the development of computational tools for transport simulations in the nanoscale.

The workshop aims to cover the following topics:

Fellowships in Structure, Durham University, UK (2016)

Απρ 21, 2016 09:22

Introduction to the IAS The Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) was launched in October 2006 to mark the 175th anniversary of the foundation of Durham University. The aim of the Institute is to foster creative interdisciplinary thinking – and to communicate this to public audiences – through dialogue and collaboration across disciplinary boundaries. At the core of IAS activities lies a now internationally acclaimed Fellowship programme organised around an annual research theme. This allows the IAS to gather together distinguished scholars and non-academics (e.g.

20-25/08/2016 - Partnership-building Activity: "EVS newcomers contact making seminar" (Spain)

Απρ 21, 2016 09:20

Has your organization just been accredited as EVS org and you don’t know how to find EVS partners? Are you a sending org searching for good projects for your candidates or a host org wishing to receive good volunteers and not to have surprises? Yes?

NATO Summer School 2016 in Czech Republic

Απρ 21, 2016 09:16

Summer School is based on presentations, interactive workshops and simulations with internationally recognized security experts from both academia and government fields.

Students currently enrolled in Master’s degree programs in Political Science, International relations, Economics and other relevant fields (including young professionals) from NATO member and partner countries.

Venue: 10-15 July 2016, Měřín, Czech Republic

Deadline Application: 08-05-2016


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