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23-29/08/2016 - Event Wise Training (Netherlands)

Ιουν 24, 2016 09:27

The 27th version of Event Wise brings the attention to Educators, Trainers & Youth Workers in order to support their parallel process into guiding people’s learning.

Being an educator working on personal development is interlinked on your own competences development, it is a parallel process. Your personal concepts about non-formal education are influencing the working methods that you use as youth leader, for instance. Enlarging your perspective in non-formal education also enlarges your possibilities as an educator.

29-31/07/2016 - The Gap: A practice centred international seminar (Hungary)

Ιουν 24, 2016 09:17

Theatre and drama education are important modes of exploring the world, ourselves and others in it. There are various methodologies within the field, but our conference focuses on an approach that considers drama as an art form that highlights the complexities and the socio-historic dimensions of human situations.

10 Postdoctoral Positions, German Center for Diabetes Research, Germany (2016)

Ιουν 24, 2016 09:05

The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) is a national association combining the efforts of leading German academic research institutions and universities. It seeks to recruit a new generation of biomedical scientists (m/f) who will translate fundamental scientific discoveries into novel individualized prevention and therapy strategies for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


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