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Share Point Specialist in Netherlands

Ιουν 22, 2016 10:12

Share Point Specialist in Netherlands. “Read More

Hilton Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of California, U.S.A. (2016)

Ιουν 22, 2016 10:03

The Hilton Postdoctoral Fellowship is a unique opportunity to receive advanced methods training for state of the art approaches to understanding what works to enhance equal opportunity and improve social conditions at a global scale. With mentorship from an exceptionally interdisciplinary group of experienced researchers from across the UCLA campus and around the world, Hilton Postdoctoral Fellows will contribute to building the evidence base on what works to improve the lives of the poorest and most marginalized people.

Research & PhD Fellowships, University of Plymouth, UK (2016-2017)

Ιουν 22, 2016 09:58

Research Fellow and PhD Studentship opportunities in hepatology; clinical and basic science projects.

Expansion of the Hepatology Research Group at Plymouth University in the Institute of Translational & Stratified Medicine has created four exciting MD / PhD studentship opportunities:

Postdoctoral NanoTRAINforGrowth Fellowship Programme, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal (2016-2017)

Ιουν 22, 2016 09:52

The INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory was founded by the governments of Portugal and Spain under an international legal framework to perform interdisciplinary research, deploy and articulate nanotechnology for the benefit of society. INL aims to become the world-wide hub for nanotechnology addressing society’s grand challenges.

The INL research programme comprises four strategic fields of application of nanoscience and nanotechnology: Food and Environment, ICT, Energy and Health.


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