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6 PhD & 2 Postdoctoral Positions, IfADo Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors, Germany (2016)

Απρ 27, 2016 09:23

About five million individuals are affected by liver diseases in Germany, and the causes of these diseases often remain unknown. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has recently funded a research network entitled ‘Systems Medicine of the Liver’ aimed at better understanding the etiology and progression of liver disease. Within this project, the PhD positions described below are available at the IFADO (Leibniz Research Centre) in Dortmund, Germany:

4-14/07/2016 - Summer University Srebrenica Research Program (Sarajevo)

Απρ 27, 2016 09:15

The objectives of the Summer University Srebrenica program are to bring together domestic and foreign students, experts in the field, interested public, and members of the local community. It seeks to facilitate a high-level academic discussion and to enable significant research that focuses on Genocide, Transitional Justice, Human Rights, etc.

23 PhD Positions in Chemical Research, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Spain (2016)

Απρ 27, 2016 09:11

We are looking for highly qualified and talented graduate students with an enthusiastic interest in chemical research. Motivated students will have the opportunity to join one of the research groups at the ICIQ and will follow an individual research project under the direction of an internationally renowned group leader in a creative and stimulating scientific environment.

20-26/06/2016 - Jean Monnet PhD Summer School on Security and Justice (United Kingdom)

Απρ 27, 2016 09:07

The Jean Monnet Summer School is organised with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) of the European Union. It offers an intensive, interactive and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the complex issues of security and justice in Europe, with a specific emphasis on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and the Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as the impact of these policies on fundamental rights and liberties.


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