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10-17/07/2016 - Teacher Training Workshops: “Learn to Teach News Literacy” (Poland)

Μαρ 23, 2016 08:54

The European Center for News Literacy at the Adam Mickiewicz University organizes the News Literacy Summer Institute, which will take place 10 to 17 July 2016 in Poznań, Poland.

The Summer Institute will teach an advanced course and provide assistance to those who want to set up their own News Literacy course at their home university or institution.

17-25/05/2016 - Training Course: "Raising awareness on Social Rights and Inclusion by using Social Media" (Serbia)

Μαρ 23, 2016 08:43

Training Course explores the main concerns on social inclusion and marginalization and how to use audio-visual and multimedia tools for promoting inclusion, sharing information and advocacy regarding marginalization of youth in online and “offline” communities.
- Reflecting and exchanging opinions about inclusion/exclusion and social rights in different European countries

23-28/05/2016 - Training Course: "Feel the rythm! V4+Roma" (Hungary)

Μαρ 23, 2016 08:36

Youth chapter within Erasmus+ programme is a main tool at European Union level to support youth which provides opportunities for non-formal learning for young people through mobility and intercultural dialogue. In the frame of the Erasmus+ programme an Inclusion and Diversity Strategy has been designed to ensure the access of young people with fewer opportunities. Young people from Roma communities can see themselves represented in several of these areas, and as such often suffer from multiple discrimination and lack of opportunities.


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

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