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28/08-02/09/2016 - International School on Energy Systems (Germany)

Μαρ 15, 2016 00:18

The International School on Energy Systems (ISES 2016) hosted by Forschungszentrum Jülich invites young researchers and young professionals in the fields of energy technologies, economics, political science, and related disciplines to discuss the challenges of present and future energy systems.

01/06/2016-01/04/2017 - Training Course: "From Idea to… Europe!" (Serbia)

Μαρ 15, 2016 00:04

Project “From Idea to Europe” will gather 20 youth workers, social workers and teachers from 10 countries in order to support them to realize their entrepreneurial ideas, through 3 educational modules in different countries - Serbia, Greece and Belgium.

11-19/05/2016 - Training Course: "Minority Rights in EUrope - Play and Change" (FYROM)

Μαρ 14, 2016 23:54

This Training Course will address the issue of marginalization, social exclusion and loosing origin cultural identity of European minorities but also about good examples of protecting minority rights all over Europe using the theatre as a tool.

01-05/06/2016 - Training Course: "The Star of Europe" (Finland)

Μαρ 14, 2016 23:29

“The Star of Europe” training tackles every phase of a youth exchange project and takes a step by step journey through participation and partnership by using visual material from the old Finnish game called “The Star of Africa”.

In “The Star of Europe”, the journey goes through Europe in search of a good youth exchange project. For the training we have created material that help groups planning a youth exchange to proceed in logical in their process. There are reminders about programme rules, good practices and pitfalls at every phase they enter.


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