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PhD & Postdoctoral Fellowships in Surface Earth Geochemistry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2016)

Μαρ 10, 2016 11:50

Research and studies at ETH’s Department of Earth Sciences work towards a deeper understanding of all domains of our home planet, from the inner Earth to the continents, oceans, biosphere and atmosphere. The Earth Surface Geochemistry group led by Prof. Derek Vance uses geochemistry to study the processes that determine the evolution of the surface environment of the Earth. Join this group as soon as possible with
PhD and post-doctoral fellowships inSurface Earth Geochemistry

Matsumae International Foundation’s Research Fellowship Program, Japan (2016)

Μαρ 10, 2016 11:31

The Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) is currently accepting applications for its 2017 fellowship program with the theme “Towards A Greater Understanding of Japan and a Lasting World Peace”. The MIF is a nongovernmental organization. Its Fund is solely based on donations from many Japanese people enterprises and groups, most of the donors are individuals who are sympathetic with the Founder’s ideals, and maintain contributions to the Fund from their limited incomes.

Learn to F.L.Y. in EVS:Learn to Facilitate the Learning process for Young people in European Voluntary Service

Μαρ 10, 2016 11:25

The aim of the training course is to improve the quality of EVS projects through empowering EVS actors to provide meaningful learning opportunities.
Learning is the most essential part of quality EVS project and different aspects [such as the lack of experience, tools or common understanding] can bring a challenge to create a safe environment for learning process of all actors.

The different realities in EVS organisations can cause more challenges to meet with the quality criteria of Erasmus+ Youth in Action program as well.

Four (4) PhD Positions in Media & Culture, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands (2016)

Μαρ 10, 2016 11:21

We are looking for four highly motivated PhD Candidates who wish to conduct their PhD research in the context of a collaborative research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) on Worlds of Imagination: A Comparative Study of Film Tourism in India, Nigeria, Jamaica, South Korea and the United Kingdom.


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