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Ten (10) PhD Positions in Big Data Analysis in Chemistry, Marie Skodowska-Curie ITN BIGCHEM, Europe (2016)

Φεβ 15, 2016 09:26

BIGCHEM (BIG data in CHEMistry) is a Marie Skodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) for Early Stage Researchers (ESR) funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme. The BIGCHEM ITN will provide a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary structured curriculum for doctoral students in large chemical data analysis using machine-learning, computational chemistry and chemoinformatics methods. The innovative research program will be implemented with the target users, large pharma companies and SMEs, which generate and analyse large chemical data.

Four (4) PhD Positions in Philosophy, Politics & Economics, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands (2016)

Φεβ 15, 2016 09:17

In the role of lecturer candidates will support senior teaching staff by leading small group seminars and assessing student essays and projects for PPE courses. Candidates will also have a role as student tutors. Successful candidates will demonstrate an ability to play an active role in the J.S. Mill college’s social and intellectual life, as well as an aptitude for student supervision.

01/06-31/07/2016 - Training Course "2be alterNATIVE!" (Poland)

Φεβ 15, 2016 09:00

"2be alterNATIVE" - 2 month training course for youth workers from all the Europe!

WE BELIEVE THAT IN YOUTH WORK AND EVERYDAY LIFE ONE SHOULD BE "NATIVE" WITH YOUNG PEOPLE .. with oneself. Native means Natural, unaltered and unadorned .....

Great experience to try out on practice all our tools and methods, and test our knowledge and skills in real life conditions!

21-26/06/2016 - Making the Difference 3: A North-South Partnership Building Activity (Portugal)

Φεβ 15, 2016 08:51

This Partner Building Activity (=PBA) aims at creating concrete partnerships – by preference between North and South of Europe, so that they can develop youth exchange projects and apply in 2016 under the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.
The PBA is organised in a small village where the involvement of and contact with the local community serves as an example and inspiration on how this can be done during youth exchanges. The participants live together in different houses in the village.


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