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09-16/04/2016 - Training course “Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe” (Bari)

Φεβ 05, 2016 08:45

The training course “Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe” will offer youth workers and young leaders from 8 program countries a possibility to learn how to promote labour mobility, how to help young people to find information and use tools provided by European Commission such as EURES, Erasmus plus, guaranteed rights and limitation, what support young people working in other member state can get, etc.

17-24/07/2016 - Εducational and cultural festival "International Student Week" (Belgrade)

Φεβ 04, 2016 14:44

ISWiB stands for International Student Week in Belgrade. It is an international educational and cultural festival that takes place in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, a.k.a city that never sleeps. During one week in July you will be provided with the opportunity not just to be introduced to Belgrade and Serbian culture, but to participate in various workshops dealing with the eminent problems of today’s world society using different methods such as: biotechna, musical, video, etc.

Traineeships in the Directorate General Budget & Finance of the European Central Bank

Φεβ 04, 2016 12:27

Traineeships in the Directorate General Budget & Finance of the European Central Bank in Germany.

Functional area:
The Directorate General Budget and Finance (DG/BF) of the European Central Bank (ECB) comprises three divisions: the Budget, Controlling and Organisation Division (BCO), the Accounting and Procurement Division (ACP), and the Financial Reporting Division (FRP).

Duration: up to 12 months

14 PhD Positions in Advanced Control of Smart Grids, Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN project INCITE, Europe (2016)

Φεβ 04, 2016 12:23

We are looking for highly motivated young researchers to join an interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial space bringing together experts on control and power systems, from academia and industry with the aim of providing innovative control solutions for the future electrical networks.


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


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