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PDEng positions in Robotics: Development of a fully flexure-based prosthetic hand at the University of Twente

Φεβ 02, 2016 09:56

The Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) programme Robotics is very interesting for you. The PDEng programme is a 2-year post MSc technological programme with a focus on technological design. This programme at the University of Twente contains an educational part that will be followed at the University, and a practical design project. The educational programme will have an in-depth and broadening character with ample attention for professional development and will be partly tailored to the design project.

Six (6) PhD Positions in Business & Management, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands (2016)

Φεβ 02, 2016 09:52

The PhD student is required to conduct independent research, supervised by a (team of) professor(s), and to incorporate the findings of his or her research in a doctoral dissertation. In addition, the PhD student will be involved in teaching activities at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Undergraduate Scholarships, SIM Global Education, Singapore (2016-2017)

Φεβ 02, 2016 09:28

SIM GE Scholarship is available to outstanding local and international students for pursuing bachelor’s degree programmes at SIM Global Education (SIM GE).

The categories of scholarships are:
- Academic Excellence and Leadership: awards are granted to outstanding students who have achieved academic excellence and demonstrated leadership qualities both in and outside the classroom;
- Sports and Artistic Talent: awards are granted to athletes who possess an impressive track record of achievement in sports or individuals with outstanding artistic talents.

Milena Jesenská Fellowships for Journalists, Austria (2016)

Φεβ 02, 2016 08:59

Milena Jesenská (1896-1944) was an outstanding journalist and mediator between the Czech and German cultures in Bohemia as well as an astute political commentator.

The Milena Jesenská Fellowship Program offers European journalists time off from their professional duties in order to pursue in-depth research on a topic of their choice.


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