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International Summer Scholarships, Washington University, U.S.A. (2016)

Φεβ 01, 2016 10:18

If you would like to study in Washington University, United States and pursue Full Time Undergraduate Program in Global Leadership (MAILI), Innovation: Entrepreneurism and Design Thinking, American Politics & Culture and Arts & Sciences you can avail International Summer Study Scholarships which is being offered by the Washington University.

This is a Undergraduate Program Merit Based Scholarship and students are eligible from International Students to apply for the same.

This Scholarship will offer you $2,500 for 5 Weeks.

Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program, U.S.A. (2016)

Φεβ 01, 2016 10:04

Knight Science Journalism is seeking applications for its fellowship program and welcome science journalists from around the world to apply for this unique and career-enhancing opportunity.

The program is designed to offer a rich and varied mix of coursework, attendance at departmental colloquia, research trips, lab visits, interviews, reading, and writing.

IWMF Howard G. Buffet Fund for Women Journalists, U.S.A. (2016)

Φεβ 01, 2016 09:49

The IWMF’s Howard G. Buffett Fund for Women Journalists is an incredible resource for talented reporters and will make a real difference in the field of journalism.

Einstein Fellowship for Outstanding Young Thinkers, Germany (2016)

Φεβ 01, 2016 09:27

The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation are offering fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their previous research. The purpose of the fellowship is to support those who, in addition to producing superb work in their area of specialization, are also open to other, interdisciplinary approaches – following the example set by Albert Einstein. The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation awarded for 2017, the Albert Einstein Scholarship to support creative, interdisciplinary thinking.


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