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10-15/05/2016 - Training Course "Ilusions: how to improve your leader skills" (Spain)

Ιαν 31, 2016 23:19

The main aim of this Training Course is to promote new inclusion projects with higher quality and new cooperation networks.

Training course for Youth workers and educators, in the field of International Programs of EU, mainly addressed to organizations that work with youngsters with fewer opportunities (rural areas, disabled, dropouts from school, economical difficulties.)

06-09/06/2016 - Summer School “Marine ecosystem services, management and governance: linking social and ecological research” (Spain)

Ιαν 31, 2016 23:08

Organized by AZTI, SYKE and Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the summer school will be held from 6th to 9th June 2016 (coinciding with the week of the Oceans’ Day on 8th June), at the Aquarium of San Sebastian (Spain). This is the 13th AZTI’s Summer School and the 4th DEVOTES Summer School.

Translation Τraining Placements at the European Parliament

Ιαν 31, 2016 20:49

The European Parliament offers the opportunity to undertake translation training placements to applicants who have obtained a secondary-school leaving certificate corresponding to the level required for entry to university or who have followed a higher or technical course of study to an equivalent level.
Such placements are intended in particular for applicants who are required to complete a training placement as part of their course of study.

Translation Traineeships at the European Parliament for University Graduates

Ιαν 31, 2016 19:56

The European Parliament offers translation traineeships in its Secretariat in order to contribute to the vocational training of young citizens, and to the understanding of the working of the institution.


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