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SEGF Graduate Student Fellowship Program for Study in Universities of United States, U.S.A. (2016)

Ιαν 25, 2016 10:57

If you would like to study in Universities of United States, United States and pursue Full Time Graduate Program in Economic Geology you can avail 2016 SEGF Graduate Student Fellowship Program which is being offered by the Society of Economic Geologists Foundation, Inc. (SEGF). The SEGF Graduate Fellowship Program is supported by major grants from Anglo American, Barrick Gold Corporation, and Newmont Mining Corporation.

This is a Graduate Program Merit Based Scholarship and students are eligible from International Students to apply for the same.

International PhD Scholarships for Study in Universities of Czech Republic, Czech Republic (2016-2017)

Ιαν 25, 2016 10:40

If you would like to study in Universities of Czech Republic, Czech Republic and pursue Full Time Phd Program in Economics you can avail International Phd Scholarships which is being offered by the Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI).

This is a Phd Program Merit Based Scholarship and students are eligible from Czech Republic and International Students to apply for the same.

This Scholarship will offer you:-

PhD Scholarships in Economics, Bonn Graduate School of Economics, Germany (2016)

Ιαν 25, 2016 10:24

The BGSE offers a structured doctoral program in economics that is especially designed for highly qualified students who are about to finish their bachelor degree. Of course, master students are also invited to apply.

Research takes place in an inspiring, supportive and intellectually demanding environment.

Scholarships are available. The program starts once a year in October.

PhD Positions in Chemistry or Materials Science, Utrecht University, Netherlands (2016)

Ιαν 25, 2016 09:39

The production of chemicals and fuels using more sustainable energy sources is a grand challenge. Since catalysts are crucial for these processes, understanding their structure and behaviour at the nanometer scale is of great importance to both science and industry. The Faculty of Science is hiring three PhD students.


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