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Ten (10) PhD Positions in Lung Biology & Disease, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany (2016)

Ιαν 21, 2016 09:32

The Helmholtz Zentrum München in Munich, Germany, is member of one of the leading research associations in Europe - the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. The aim of our research is to proactively detect health risks involving humans and the environment, decoding the mechanisms of pathogenesis and developing concepts for prevention and therapy.

Postdoctoral Positions in Life Sciences, EMBO Young Investigator Laboratories, Europe (2016)

Ιαν 21, 2016 09:13

Postdoctoral positions in EMBO Young Investigator Laboratories - various fields in the life sciences - multiple locations in Europe

EMBO Young Investigators are some of Europe’s best young group leaders selected for the high quality of their research. They form a prestigious scientific network, which also includes recipients of the EMBO Installation Grant.

PhD students and postdocs working in EMBO Young Investigator and Installation Grant laboratories benefit from EMBO training opportunities, networking events and laboratory exchanges.

PDEng Position Filters for ventilation systems with heat exchangers at the University of Twente

Ιαν 21, 2016 09:07

The project aims at the design of filters for ventilation systems with heat exchangers in the Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) programme Energy & Process Technology. This 2-year post-MSc programme contains a design project and an educational part that will be followed at the University. The design project is carried out in close cooperation with Brink Climate Systems. The educational programme will have an in-depth and broadening character with ample attention for professional development and will be partly tailored to the design project.

2 Student Trainees at the Universidad de Lleida

Ιαν 21, 2016 09:03

This trainee will be done in the frame of a H2020 research project that focuses on energy efficient active cooling in advanced microelectronic systems. This project is leaden by the LITEN (Grenoble) and other partners are, inter alia, the University of Freiburg (Germany) and the french company ST Microelectronics. A novel cooling scheme that provides a local efficient heat extraction capacity wherever and whenever it is necessary will be tested on a standard advanced microelectronic package.



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