During the last years, the financial crisis all over Europe has created more “youth with fewer opportunities”, raising the unemployment rates in high percentages especially in the ages between 18-30. Youth are becoming demotivated, entering a negative psychological circle, which is reducing their employability skills and inhibits creativity.
‘ Coaching is a way to effectively empower people to find their own answers and to encourage and support them on their path to make live-giving and life-changing choices.’The general objective of 'In-to-me-see' coaching training is to train and empower educators (youth workers, trainers, coaches, teachers,... ) in using coaching skills and competences in a professional Erasmus+/Youth in Action context and in life in general in a non-formal and experiential way.
The idea of Life Long Learning has put 'learning' into new perspectives. Perpectives that are in need of new ways of thinking and innovative approaches. Learners should direct their own learning and be responsible for what, when and how they learn.
Deadline: 20 May, 2015
Open to: youth workers, youth leaders, social workers from Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain
Venue: 4-13 June 2015 in Bátonyterenye, Hungary
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