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Training Placements at the European Parliament

Ιαν 12, 2016 14:12

The European Parliament offers young people who have a secondary-school leaving certificate corresponding to the level required for entry to university, or who have completed a higher or technical course to an equivalent level, the opportunity to undertake training placements. Priority is given to young people who are required to complete a training placement as part of their course of study, provided that they have reached the age of 18 by the first day of the placement.

04/07/2016 - Summer School on Vaccinology (Belgium)

Ιαν 12, 2016 14:04

The Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) of the University of Antwerp and EMSA Antwerp, (European Medical Students Association of Antwerp), invite you to join us in an unforgettable summer school to boost your knowledge and skills on vaccinations, immunology and vaccine safety issues!

Traineeships at the European Commission - Translation Traineeships

Ιαν 12, 2016 13:56

The Commission organises twice a year in-service training periods lasting five months for university graduates who wish to gain in-house professional translation experience. This does not exclude those who -in the framework of lifelong learning - have recently obtained a university diploma and are at the beginning of a new professional career.

Traineeships at the European Commission - Administrative in - service training periods

Ιαν 12, 2016 13:39

The Commission organises twice a year in-service training periods lasting five months for university graduates.
This does not exclude those who -in the framework of lifelong learning - have recently obtianed a university diploma and are at the beginning of a new professional career.
The training periods start on 1 March and 1 October each year.

The purpose of in-service training is in particular:


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

Συγγραφή Βιογραφικού
Σύνταξη Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

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Erasmus Placement

Εύρεση Φορέων Erasmus Placement

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