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Three (3) Postdoctoral Positions in Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands (2016-2017)

Ιαν 08, 2016 09:14

The booming numbers of devices with access to the internet for body networks, personal networks and in-door access networks imply that exponential growth in Internet driven traffic will continue at compounded annual growth rates of 30-60%. The current communication backbone of our information driven society is based on single mode fibre (SMF) where the most powerful current SMF systems are based on 100Gbit/s coherent transmission, exploiting polarization and wavelength division multiplexing together with advanced modulation formats and digital signal processing.

Five (5) Postdoctoral Fellowships, LabEx RESMED, France (2016-2017)

Ιαν 08, 2016 09:05

The Research Centre “Religions and Societies in the Mediterranean world” (RESMED), a laboratory of excellence affiliated to Sorbonne University (Paris) offers five (5) one-year RESMED postdoctoral fellowships, starting july 2016. Deadline for applications: 15 March 2016.

The project will have clearly to fit in the scientific program of the Labex RESMED.

12-16/5/2016 - 3rd European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference (Bled, Slovenia)

Ιαν 08, 2016 08:42

The idea of the Conference is to bring together up to 100 youth workers/leaders from all around Europe to commonly plan the next stages of youth mobilization on the field of alcohol in Europe.
After very successful conferences in Slovenia in 2012 and Turkey in 2014, the Alcohol Policy Youth Network (APYN) is happy to announce that the 3rd European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference (EAPYC) will come back home to Bled, Slovenia between 12th and 16th May 2016.

Delphi Front end Developer at INTRASOFT (Luxembourg Branch)

Ιαν 08, 2016 08:38

Delphi Front end Developer at INTRASOFT (Luxembourg Branch). “Read More


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