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17-28/4/2016 - Study Programme "World on the move – and Europe? Migration, Identity, Security" (Prague, Czech Republic)

Νοε 28, 2015 18:22

World on the move – and Europe?
Migration, Identity, Security.

Organized by: Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences.
Place: Prague, Czech Republic.
Date: April 17th – April 28th 2016.

- To provide students with a broad understanding of
the historical, political, social and cultural context of the migration phenomenon, which is currently one of the most signifi cant issues in Europe
- To analyze the challenges and risks it presents for the development of Europe.

1-5/2/2016- International Winter School at University of Padova (Padua, Italy)

Νοε 28, 2015 15:54

Lecturers and professors are invited to join the International Winter School Beyond ‘English as a Medium of Instruction’ (EMI). Old challenges, new competences. The course will be held in Padua from 1-5 February, 2016. Deadline for applications is December 10, 2015.

Postgraduate Scholarships in Social Sciences, North East Doctoral Training Centre, UK (2016)

Νοε 27, 2015 14:08

The NEDTC, a joint venture between the universities of Durham and Newcastle, is one of the largest and most innovative of the ESRC’s national network of doctoral training centres. They are a centre of excellence for postgraduate social science scholarships, offering students a world-class, interdisciplinary environment for doctoral training and research.

Studentships are offered in the following subject areas. Please note that not all subject areas are offered at both universities, please check the full subject list for further information:

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Marine Sciences, LabexMER, France (2016)

Νοε 27, 2015 13:33

The brightest young scientists are also the most creative. They are able to conceive and carry out independent research. The LabexMER partners have created a new post-doctoral program, inspired by successful similar programs such as the U.S. NOAA Climate Change and Global Change postdoctoral program or WHOI postdoctoral fellowship.


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