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Master Scholarships for the Joint Masters Degree in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Europe (2016)

Σεπ 15, 2015 21:41

AstroMundus is a 2-years Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree programme in Astronomy and Astrophysics (120 ECTS). The programme was initiated in 2009 as an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course and is now continuing within the framework of the new Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The Masters Course is offered by a consortium of 5 partner universities in Austria, Italy, Germany, and Serbia, with the participation of 4 research institutions as associated partners in Italy, Serbia, and Germany.

Postdoctoral Positions in Cancer Research, National University of Singapore, Singapore (2015-2016)

Σεπ 15, 2015 21:24

We are seeking individuals with exceptional scientific credentials to join a vibrant, dynamic team at CSISingapore.

Several full-time postdoctoral positions* are immediately available for MD and/or Ph.D graduates in the various labs:

Six (6) Research Associate Positions in Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, University of Western Australia, Australia (2016)

Σεπ 15, 2015 21:15

Recently, the Australian Research Council (ARC) has awarded several major grants to award-winning researchers based at UWA's School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, These include an ARC Discovery Project, an ARC Linkage Project and an ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre named The Australian Centre for LNG Futures. To execute these industry-focused research programs, applications for several post-doctoral research fellow positions are sought from dynamic and capable candidates with excellent communication skills.

PhD Positions in Modern Biology, Vienna Biocenter, Austria (2016)

Σεπ 15, 2015 20:09

The Vienna Biocenter (VBC) PhD Programme in Life Sciences has been running since 1993, providing students from all over the world with excellent training. As a student at the Vienna Biocenter you will be supervised by a top scientist and have full access to state-of-the-art facilities, thus giving you the opportunity to start a strong scientific career.


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