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31/8-5/9/2015-"EVS What, How and Why ?" Tunisian NGOs Study Visit (Tunisia)

Ιουν 08, 2015 16:08

This study visit is coming after a first one realised two years ago about "Youth Work in Tunisia after the Revolution" (

The aim of this study visit is to provide a new opportunity to meet active NGOs in youth work and to better understand their mutual field of work with a specific objective to develop new projects in the field of EVS within the EuroMediterranean cooperation.

2-4/9/2015-"Summer school on evidence and policy" από το Κέντρο Κοινών Ερευνών και το Διεθνές Ινστιτούτο εφαρμοσμένων συστημάτων ανάλυσης (JRC & IIASA) (Laxenburg, Αυστρία)

Ιουν 08, 2015 15:40

Το Κέντρο Κοινών Ερευνών – JRC και το Διεθνές Ινστιτούτο εφαρμοσμένων συστημάτων IIASA συνδιοργανώνουν ένα 3ήμερο summer school το οποίο θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 2-4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015 στο Laxenburg, Αυστρία .

18-25/9/2015-SEEDling, rethinking sustainability through environmental education (Medinaceli, Soria, Spain)

Ιουν 08, 2015 15:36

Starting from the concern of the necessary change of paradigm in the entrepreneurship world, to be more inclusive with people interested in social and environmental issues, we want to give tools to this people to start their own projects.
We do believe the power of small actions, and the need of promoting entrepreneurial spirit among young people, as the main stakeholder in the future legacy.
Finally, the only way we know to make the previous come true is through education, so this is a chance to come, learn and share!

24-28/11/2015-APPETISER - An introduction on how to use the ‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ Programme for international youth work (Croatia)

Ιουν 08, 2015 15:31

Appetiser aimes to give a strong positive first experience of international youth work and motivate participants to use Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.

This aim summarises the entire idea of the seminar – to give a feeling, what it means to work with young people in an international setting. Leaving all explanations and knowledge aside it is about giving a space for participants to explore the advantage of “internationality” themselves.


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