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06-10/11/2018 - Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα | Star of Europe (Φινλαδία)

Μάιος 22, 2018 12:36

“The Star of Europe” training course tackles each step of a youth exchange project and takes a step by step journey through youth participation and partnership by using visual material from the old Finnish game called “The Star of Africa”.

In “The Star of Europe” training module, the journey goes through Europe by searching of diamonds (important elements, principles) in youth exchange projects.

27-30/06/2018 - Cross-Sectorial Conference on Strategic Partnership Between Business and Education Sectors (Τουρκία)

Μάιος 22, 2018 12:28

This international conference will be organized to provide a ground for a solid cooperation among youth, education and labour sectors with the aim of improving the employability of young people.

The Commissioner Marianne Thyssen has stated in her speech ‘Avoiding a lost generation’: Despite being the generation with the highest education attainment ever, today's young have paid the highest price for the crisis…However, high levels of unemployment co-exist with 2 million unfilled vacancies, an indicator that some people lack the right skills or mobility.

09-15/11/2018 - International Seminar on Roads, Bridges and Tunnels (Θεσσαλονίκη)

Μάιος 22, 2018 11:46

The School of Civil Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will organize an International Educational Seminar on Roads, Bridges and Tunnels, the ISRBT2018, in Salonica, in November 2018.

This will be the 3rd Seminar of the kind, after the ISRBT2016, and ISRBT2017, gathering 120 participants and 30 invited speakers from 10 European countries.

07-09/06/2018 - 31st European Annual Congress on Surgical Infections (Αθήνα)

Μάιος 22, 2018 10:26

In June the Surgical Infection Society Europe gathers in Athens for its annual congress meeting.

We are proud to announce our 2018 program, which provides the latest insight in all kinds of surgical infections. The SIS-E is know for its personal touch and its open discussions.

We encourage surgical researchers, surgical residents and wound surgeons to participate in or contribute to our congress.


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