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29/8-1/9/2015-Summer School for Multiple Moralities and Shadow Economies in Post-socialism (Zagreb, Croatia)

Δεκ 08, 2014 09:50

Deadline: 15 February 2015
Open to: early stage researchers with knowledge in formal and informal economy, state-citizen dynamics and conflictual moralities
Venue: 29 August – 1 September 2015, Zagreb, Croatia


“La Caixa” - Severo Ochoa International PhD Programme, Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM-CSIC, Spain (2015)

Δεκ 08, 2014 01:27

The Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM-CSIC, Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, and the Autónoma University of Madrid open three fellowships for exceptional candidates to carry out a PhD thesis at the IFT.

Google Europe Undergraduate, Master & PhD Scholarships, University in Europe, Europe (2015)

Δεκ 08, 2014 01:23

If you would like to study in University in Europe, Europe and pursue Full Time Bachelor’s, Master’s or Phd Program in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics, or a closely related technical field you can avail Google Europe Scholarship which is being offered by Google As part of our commitment, we’ve partnered with EmployAbility.

This is a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Phd Program Merit Based Scholarship and students are eligible from International Student to apply for the same.

This Scholarship will offer you 7,000 for Complete Course Duration.

International Neuroscience Graduate Program, Ecole des neuroscience de Paris, France (2015)

Δεκ 08, 2014 00:55

The program, which is open to outstanding international students, primarily trained abroad, lasts four years and leads to a PhD in Neuroscience. French or foreign students who have carried out their most recent university studies in France are not eligible.

Working language throughout is English.

The first year is funded directly by an ENP fellowship (1200€/month). The following three years of PhD are financed by a net salary of ~1800€/month.


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