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Twenty (20) PhD Fellowships in Information & Communication Technologies, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain (2015)

Δεκ 11, 2014 23:59

UPF is ranked as the most productive university in Spain in research outcome and attraction of funds (THE2013) and 13th worldwide among young universities (THE2013, 100 under 50). DTIC-UPF community (> 50 nationalities) conducts research in a broad range of fields created around the convergence of ICT with computing science, networks, biomedical and cognitive sciences. The active participation in international programs (65 projects in FP7, including 9 prestigious ERC grants and the Human Brain Project) creates a unique environment for the development of talented researchers.

Nine (9) PhD Scholarships in Interdisciplinary Areas - Neurology, University of Salzburg, Austria (2015)

Δεκ 11, 2014 23:54

We are inviting applications for 9 fully funded PhD studentships in the following interdisciplinary areas: biology, cognitive neurology, cognitive science, and psychology.

DK Faculty and research projects:

Florian Hutzler: i) Reverse inference in functional connectivity studies
ii) Connectivity during natural reading in ecologically valid settings (fixation-related BOLD)

Six (6) PhD Fellowships, Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway (2015)

Δεκ 11, 2014 23:30

The appointment is for a term of 4 years, with duties equivalent to 25 %, or 3 years without duties. Duty work, if relevant for a candidate, will primarily be related to support of education tasks.

Norwegian MSc-students in their final year are invited to apply. Applicants in this category can be appointed after having completed their MSc degree.

Graduate School Scholarships, University of Kent, UK (2015)

Δεκ 11, 2014 22:58

If you would like to study in University of Kent, United Kingdom and pursue Full Time / Part Time Postgraduate Program in any Subject you can avail Graduate School Scholarship which is being offered by University of Kent.

This is a Postgraduate Program Merit Based Scholarship and students are eligible from International / Home/ EU Student to apply for the same.

This Scholarship will offer you a £1,000 reduction (£500 per annum for part-time students, for 2 years) in tuition fees for Complete Course Duration.


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