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02-04/05/2018 - Σεμινάριο | Theatre Play and Internet Safety (Λουξεμβούργο)

Φεβ 23, 2018 09:28

Theatre Play as an internet safety awareness campaign tool
Seminar / Conference | 2-4 May 2018 | Luxembourg , Luxembourg

The seminar will serve as platform for knowledge and experience exchange of youth workers and safer internet trainers in the field of internet safety.

Sessions with expert trainers and actors as well as workshops will help to share tools and good practices focusing on possibilities of communicating messages in an efficient and attractive way.

27/08-04/09/2018 - Θερινό Σχολείο | B-Q MINDED Summer School (Αμβέρσα)

Φεβ 22, 2018 13:49

This B-Q MINDED Summer School, powered by the Antwerp Summer University, provides a 7-day intensive multidisciplinary course in the field of quantitative MRI (Q-MRI) for improving diagnosis of brain disorders.

This course is part of a collaborative EU-funded (MSCA ETN) European Training Network consisting of 15 Early Stage Researchers (PhD positions) that aims to prepare a new generation of scientists who will turn MRI from a qualitative to a quantitative imaging technique.

The Summer School consists of 50 hours of training (incl. assessment).

02-11/07/2018 - Θερινό Σχολείο | Global Health (Χρόνινγκεν)

Φεβ 22, 2018 13:45

The Medical Sciences Summer School programme of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), University of Groningen, consists of several Summer Schools encompassing a wide range of medical disciplines. The aim of the Summer School programme is to provide international students with a highly stimulating environment and increase their knowledge in specific areas of medicine and biomedical sciences. A hallmark of all Summer Schools is the combination of clinical practice and research.

11-12/09/2018 - 22nd International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (Γερμανία)

Φεβ 22, 2018 08:58

The automotive sector faces disruptive transformation within the next years. "Smart Systems for Clean, Safe and Shared Road Vehicles" will be at the heart of the answer to these disrupting changes. Thus, this will be the topic of this year’s 22nd edition of the International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA) to be held on 11-12 September 2018 in the Kaiserin Friedrich House, Berlin, Germany (


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